We both went to Auburn University, but being two years apart means we did not meet there. We had mutual friends, and we are convinced we must have stood back-to-back without ever being introduced to one another. We both started medical school the same year at UAB, and in our second semester of first year, we met at a class social function! Four days after meeting, we happened to run into each other in Atlanta while he was visiting highschool friends and she was visiting college friends who live there. Savannah took the group Walker High School photo, and Kevin made the effort to meet up with her and her friends later that day. Fast forward three months and many study sessions at Greenwise later, Kevin asked Savannah on their first date – a concert to see The Brook and The Bluff.
We dated for three years and made many memories! We went to friend's and family's weddings, Auburn games, many live music scenes, and on lake and ski trips. We decided to apply for residency through the couples-match and luckily ended up together at UAB for the next few years!
I had planned on taking Savannah out in Birmingham to celebrate her birthday. I picked her up an hour before dinner to "get drinks", but instead I took her to a spot that overlooks the city where we often drive to see the sunsets. Waiting for the ideal moment, I dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me! I had a photographer there to capture the moment. We celebrated by calling our families, and then the two of us had dinner and bubbly at our first dinner-date spot – Vino.